Hi, I’m Jonathan Harrison
and this site is a demo of my work with the Genesis Framework and GSAP.
I started working as a WordPress developer in 2013, with WordPress version 3.7.
My first programming job was for a stock investment game with live market data pulled from Yahoo’s API. I used code from a similar class project in Harvard’s CS50 online course, which is where I learned to program. This was also my first WordPress plugin.
In the years since, I have developed plugins and themes for clients as well as my e-commerce business, where I am the co-owner and web manager. We joined the e-commerce platform Etsy in 2012, where we have over 16,000 orders.
Once, I was hired by a previous client to hack into their business’s WordPress site after they crashed it and locked themselves out, technically making me a professional (white hat) hacker!
I am currently specializing in full-stack and front-end development, focusing on animation and UI.
Animated WordPress Themes is a showcase for my work using the Genesis Framework by StudioPress to build themes focusing on animation and scrolling effects with GreenSock Animation Platform.
Learning new skills and creating unique experiences is what inspires me as a developer. I will be adding more demos and effects in the future, so stay tuned!
If you’d like to see more of my work, check out my GSAP portfolio.
If you’re in need of a web developer, contact me through Upwork.
Thanks for visiting,